Well done everyone. I have seen some wonderful story paths this week.
Please start today's lesson by performing your Three Little Pigs Story
Today we are going to write a speech bubble for the Big, bad Wolf. What did the big, bad Wolf say in the story?
He said “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow the house in”
Please could you write this phrase in the speech bubble. I do not want your child to copy your sentence. I want them to sound the words out for themselves using ‘Fred talk”
Start by saying the sentence over and over until they can hold the sentence in their head.
I would expect the spelling to include only the sounds we have covered in phonics so far. Eg it might look like this “ighl huf and ighl puf and ighl blow th hous in. We have covered the sound ou today. Some children in Mrs Bramley’s group have covered the red word I, and the double ff sound so may remember this and apply it to their writing. Please encourage correct letter formation and make sure they use finger spaces between each word. Please don’t worry if you child can only hear the starting sound of each word at this stage. We would be delighted if they could hear this independently at school.
At school we would have a sound mat on our tables to help remind us of the sounds and prompt the rhyme to form the letters.
Here is the presentation for today’s learning
At school we would follow this up practically using the suggested activities.
Story time
If you would like to continue your learning further here are some optional worksheets to support the learning.
Afternoon tasks
This afternoon I would like the children to work on their fine motor skills by completing this Three little pigs cutting and sticking activity.
We have noticed that some of the children are finding scissor control tricky. Some children are twisting their hand so the thumb points down, some are not pointing the scissors forwards at all times and are having to twist their wrist, some are not cutting on the line or are not aware that they should turn the paper so that they are always cutting forwards. This is an area we were working on prior to lockdown. As well as the activity I have also included 5 handy trick sheets to help you advice your child if needed. Remember like pencil control, scissor control takes practice.
Can you cut out the clothes to dress the Three little pigs?
Here is a link to print the pages.
Here are some handy hints to help your child use scissors with accuracy.
Today’s story is another one of our favourites. We read all of David McKee’s Elmer books before Christmas when we looked at pattern, shape and colour. Here is the link for the author reading Elmer.
I hope you have enjoyed today’s activities. I look forward to seeing them on Tapestry tonight
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