Monday, January 10, 2022

Monday 10th January 2022

Good morning Alp class

I hope you are all well and in school with us, but if you are isolating here is today's learning.


Mrs Bramley's group

First I would like you to spend 5 minutes re-capping all the set one sounds you have covered. These are in your green 'My Set 1 Speed Sounds Book.'

Next I would like you to begin to make your own alphabet sound poster.  Today I would like you to look at  Special friend - sh.

Write the sound sh in the middle of a piece of paper and then draw at least five things that start with sh.
Next write the word for each picture underneath. I would like you to use your Fred fingers and sound these words out yourself, rather than copying the word from an adult.

Mrs Smith's group

First I would like you to spend 5 minutes re-capping all the set one sounds we have covered. These are in your green 'My Set 1 Speed Sounds Book.'

Next I would like you to practise “Fred talking” the following words. Cat, dog, hat, fish, mat, mad. This means you hold up 3 “Fred fingers” and pitch each sound in the word as you say it.

Today we are recapping the sound x.

Here is the link for this sheet on Oxford owl.


Here is the presentation for today’s learning.

At school we would follow this up practically using the suggested activities. 
If you would like to continue your learning further here are some optional worksheets to support the learning. 


Can you create a winter scene? 

You could paint, draw, make a model. Here are some ideas.

I can’t wait to see your creations. Don’t forget to add them to your Tapestry account and I will share some of my favourites on here with your friends


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