Happy New Year!
These are the activities I would like you to look at today please.
First I would like you to spend 5 minutes re-capping all the set one sounds we have covered. These are in your green 'My Set 1 Speed Sounds Book.'
Next I would like you to begin to make your own alphabet sound poster. Today I would like you to look at Special friend - sh.
Write the sound sh in the middle of a piece of paper and then draw at least five things that start with sh.
Next write the word for each picture underneath. I would like you to use your Fred fingers and sound these words out yourself, rather than copying the word from an adult.
If you would like to read a book today you can access free eBooks including Read, write inc books on the Oxford Owl website.
Here is the link. Have a look at the books for 3-4 and 4-5 year olds. If you are using the Read, write inc books please stick to the colour of book your child brought home over Christmas.
This week we are looking at comparing numbers to 10, using language such as bigger than, smaller than, greater than, less than, more than.
To introduce this I would like you to watch the Numberblocks episode Blockzilla. This can be found on BBC iplayer - Numberblocks -series 3, episode 2. Here is the link to the episode on iplayer. Once the episode has finished playing it through once more pausing and discussing the number puzzles Blockzilla sets as he gobbles the numbers. Talk about which number they think is greater than or less than the other number.
Today I would like you to make your very own Blockzilla ready to to gobble some numbers tomorrow!
Here’s an idea of how to make him. Yours doesn’t have to look the same as this, you could draw him, paint him, make him from boxes, make him from construction equipment like lego. I would love to see what you make!
If you have got time left today then you might like to do some Yoga. I know you all loved the yoga we did in PE before Christmas.
Have a look on the Cosmic Kids page on YouTube, there are lots of great videos to join in with.
It’s fantastic!
Finally, I would love to see what you have been doing. Please add pictures of your creations, or even a video of your Yoga fun to your Tapestry account.
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