Good morning
Sorry to hear some of you aren’t feeling well again. Here is the home learning for Monday and Tuesday.
Today Mrs Bramley’s group are recapping special friends wh
Here is the sound card, word cards and alien words to read.
This week we are looking at 3D shape and pattern.
First of all I would like you to watch the Numberblocks episode Flatland series 3 on BBC iPlayer to recap the work we did on 2D shape earlier in the year.
Next I would like you to watch the Lesson one PowerPoint we shared in class on Monday. This introduces the names of the 3D shapes we are learning about and teaches us some of their properties.
Following the class input we worked practically using 3D shapes and wooden blocks to investigate which shapes we could use to build a tower. We talked about the shape names, the faces on each shape and how the surfaces could be curved or flat.
On Tuesday we are investigating 3D shapes in the environment. Please start by looking at this PowerPoint presentation.
Following the presentation we are going on a 3D shape hunt. We are going to look in our classroom and outdoor environment to find real objects that are the same as the 3D shapes we are learning about.
Can you find any 3D shapes in your house and garden. Can you take some photographs and add them to your Tapestry account.
Today we are going to start to innovate our Talk4Writing text the Gingerbread man. We have found and shared this very exciting book The Ninjabread man to get some ideas. Here is an exciting reading of this story for you to enjoy!
Today we enjoyed the story, learnt the new chant and then began to draw some of the characters from the story.
On Tuesday we will be completing our character drawings and beginning to write speech bubbles for our characters. Some of us will be acting out the story using our stick puppets that match the story.
Afternoon tasks
On Monday afternoon we spent the afternoon in our outdoor area, while Mrs Bramley worked with small groups inside to make salt dough Ninjabread men. Don’t worry we made one for everyone who was poorly so they will here ready for you to paint when you get back to school.
On Tuesday afternoon we will be returning to our Powder paint work mixing red and blue paint to make shades of purple. Then we will be practising our new Spring/Easter song we started last week in music.